Compensation Law
Compensation Law
The law firm seeks all damages (including pensions and treatment costs) and compensation for:
- traffic accidents,
- accidents at work,
- medical malpractice,
- body injuries related to e.g. negligence on the part of property managers, road and pavement administrators,
- cash compensation related to unlawfully expropriated real estates and related to non-contractual use of real estate,
- establishment of transmission easement, the issue of compensation for the Bug River property.
Breaking news:
An insured employee who suffered permanent or long-term health impairment as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease is entitled to
September 17, 2021
Swiss franc loans
Canceling contracts, or claiming overpayments in the case of a repaid loan. The law firm conducts cases concerning the cancellation of Swiss franc loans throughout the country, with most cases being conducted in Warsaw, Kraków and Katowice. Consultations on the matter are free – only a loan agreement is required. The client can obtain full information on how to handle the case over the phone.
Breaking news:
Resolution of the panel of 7 judges of the Supreme Court III CZP 6/21 of May 7, 2021 having the force of a legal principle
September 17, 2021
Economic law
We provide services to companies and enterprises from various branches of the economy. The law firm Ewa Draga-Buchta from Katowice provides services in the field of determining the basis of operations, preparing opinions or representation before courts, state administration bodies and in banking matters. In addition, we provide ongoing legal and advisory services, help to obtain compensation, and participate in due diligence procedures.
Contract Laws
When buying real estate, renting premises or signing important commercial contracts, the help of such a person as a legal advisor or attorney is indispensable. The law firm Ewa Draga-Buchta from Katowice deals with the preparation and evaluation of contracts for various industries, including energy, tourism, banking and real estate. In addition, we also prepare business regulations and seek compensation.
Civil law
We offer consultancy in the field of civil law. The law firm Ewa Draga-Buchta deals with matters related to compensation for damages, concluding civil law contracts or obtaining a pension. The subject of our interests is also claiming compensation for transmission easement and cases for division of property, division of inheritance, abolition of joint ownership. We represent our clients before courts and state administration bodies.
Labor law
Disputes between employees and the employer often require appropriate mediation, negotiation, and sometimes end in an Employment Tribunal. The law firm Ewa Draga-Buchta in Katowice offers assistance in this type of conflict. We provide advice and representation of clients, draw up contracts, and seek compensation for unlawful dismissal or failure to fulfill the contract.
The criminal law
Court proceedings in criminal cases can be particularly complex, therefore counseling, assistance and representation by an attorney or legal advisor is often necessary in such situations. The law firm of Katowice, attorney Ewa Draga-Buchta, offers assistance during preparatory proceedings conducted by the prosecutor’s office or the police, as well as representation before courts of various instances and preparation of relevant letters, as well as appeals against judgments.
• The services of our law firm cover cases in various areas:
economic and penal-fiscal, also related to the criminal liability of board members,
• related to finance and trading in securities,
• commercial criminal cases,
• extradition matters,
• compensation for internment,
• unjustified arrest.
Latest news: A citizen will be able to claim damages and compensation for an undoubtedly unfair allegation or accusation.
The draft of the relevant amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure was adopted by the Senate on February 19, 2021. Now it will go
September 17, 2021
Driving under the influence of alcohol
We have extensive experience in handling such cases. There is a possibility of conditional discontinuation of the procedure and shortening the driving ban to 1 year. However, after the judgment, it is possible to shorten the driving ban by installing an alcohol interlock – for this purpose, we suggest filling in the form below